Bugfix: updated laszip4j library to read compressed extra-bytes data #55 Bugfix: default LAS time range max value set to integer zero #56
Not release on CRAN
Bugfix: default lead area set to 50cm2 #53 Bugfix: save dialog intial directory fail-safe #54 New feature: added Trimble x7 laser specification #12
Not release on CRAN
2024-09-11 Bugfix: open and save dialog fail-safe #51
Not released on CRAN
2024-09-09 New feature: trajectory time span #41 New feature: optional normalization for relative echo weight #50 New feature: user-defined Plant Area Density variable and Leaf Angle Distribution in canopy tools #40, #49 New feature: AMAPVox::plot3d axis can either be i, j, k or x, y, z #47 Bugfix: removed differential reflectance between ground and vegation #38 Bugfix: LAS points outside trajectory time span automatically discarded #45 Bugfix: SOP, POP & VOP transformation matrix were always enabled #42 Bugfix: erroneous Zmax value in voxel boundary quick search #44
Not released on CRAN
2024-03-15 Aligned R package version onto Java core version Updated binary packages URL #31, #32 Bugfix in transmittance map tool #37 Bugfix in XYB point cloud reader #30
Released on CRAN
2023-06-19 Fixed issue #5, unzip failed on Windows and AMAPVox did not run. Deleted Java as System Requirement in DESCRIPTION (optional since AMAPVox binary 2.0)
Released on CRAN
2023-03-15 From binary AMAPVox 2.0, no need to install local Java VM, it is embedded within AMAPVox. Released on CRAN
2023-01-26 Get AMAPVox binaries from forge.ird.fr with Gitlab API Not released on CRAN.
2022-12-05 Fixed issue #2 with data.table.merge Released on CRAN.
2022-08-24 Added new function "run" that either runs AMAPVox in batch mode or launches GUI Deleted gui/run check.update option, assuming that version set to "latest" implies to check for updates Released on CRAN.
2022-07-25 Function readVoxelSpace can read zipped voxel file. Function plot accepts voxel subset in y parameter. Function plantAreaDensity returns separate data table and accepts voxel subset. Not released on CRAN.
2022-04-21 Bugfix in "toRaster" function. Bugfix across several functions ("canopyHeight", "groundElevation", "plantAreaIndex") for merging/joinging data.table based on "on" instead of "key". Bugfix in "computeG" function that speed up calculation for large theta vector. Not released on CRAN.
2022-04-20 Added new functions "plantAreaDensity", "plantAreaIndex". Added new function "toRaster". Released on CRAN.
2022-03-30 Added new functions "ground", "aboveGround", "belowGround", "groundEnergy", "groundElevation". Added new functions "canopy", "aboveCanopy", "belowCanopy", "canopyHeight". Updated "removeButterfly" into "butterfly" function. Not released on CRAN.
2022-03-24 Added new function "plantAreaDensity"" to compute plant area density. Added new function "fillNA" to fill missing values in voxel space. Added new function "crop" to crop a voxel space to a specified cuboid. Not released on CRAN.
2022-03-04 Added new function "removeButterfly" to remove butterfly in voxel space. Not released on CRAN.
2022-02-23 Bug fix in writeVoxelSpace function. Not released on CRAN.
2021-10-19 Normalized local paths. RGL library not imported, suggested only. Not released on CRAN.
2021-10-04 Bug fix in the version manager. Added first draft of vignettes. Not released on CRAN.
2021-09-03 Added gui function for running AMAPVox Graphical User Interface. Not released on CRAN.
2021-07-13 Added 3d plot for voxel space. Not released on CRAN.
2021-07-09 Read/write voxel spaces. Release on CRAN.